
European house borer (EHB)
Posted 29 August 2024 European house borer (EHB)

Budget at a Glance
Posted 01 August 2024 Budget at a Glance

Budget at a Glance

Australian Warning System
Posted 23 July 2024 Australian Warning System

Changes have been made to the Australian Emergency Warning System

Biosolids spreading fact sheet
Posted 17 July 2024 Biosolids spreading fact sheet

Biosolids spreading fact sheet

Biosolids Delivery Letter
Posted 17 July 2024 Biosolids Delivery Letter


Shire of Victoria Plains DRAFT Local Heritage Survey
Posted 02 July 2024 Shire of Victoria Plains DRAFT Local Heritage Survey

Please find attached the Draft copy of the Shires Local Heritage Survey Report that we are looking for public feedback and comment on before going to the final report. Our Heritage Consultant Laura Gray is happy to meet with residents to discuss the Draft Report further if people would like. For any feedback and comments on the draft report, please send them through to or contact Katrina to arrange a meeting with our Heritage Consultant.

Differential Rating Statement 2024-2025
Posted 27 June 2024 Differential Rating Statement 2024-2025

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act), the Shire of Victoria Plains is required to publish its objects and reasons for implementing differential rates.