Public Interest Disclosures Act 2003

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act) facilitates the disclosure of public interest information, enabling anyone to make disclosures about improper or unlawful conduct within the State Public Sector, local government and public universities without fear of reprisal. The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 also provides protection for those who are the subject of a disclosure.

The Shire is committed to the aims and objectives of the PID Act and to creating and sustaining an ethical work environment.  

A PID is more than a general complaint or dissatisfaction with a product, service or decision of government. It is also more than a personal grievance that can be resolved by agreement. 

Note: A public interest disclosure must relate to wrongdoing, not be trivial and must be made to the right person (being a proper authority). A PID must be managed in accordance with the PID Act and, once made; the person making the disclosure cannot withdraw it.

 Information regarding the Shire’s PID procedures and PID disclosure form can be accessed using the following links:

SoVP Public Interest Disclosure Procedures 2021

SoVP Public Interest Disclosure Lodgement Form

 The Shire’s PID Officer (The Governance Officer) can be contacted through the Shire (08) 9628 7004.