The Shire of Victoria Plains budget for the year 2024/2025 financial year was adopted by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting held 24 July 2024.
Annual valuations for UV rated properties are provided by the Valuer Generals Office and appeals are possible if you believe your property valuation is too high.
For information on how your values are calculated and how to lodge an objection, please visit Landgate’s website, or alternatively call Landgate Customer Service on +61 (08) 9273 7373.
2024/2025 Rates Guide
For more information contact our Rates Officer on (08) 9628 7004 during office hours or email
To learn more about how your ESL is calculated, including information on the different ESL rates, limits and concessions visit
Notice under s.33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954 - FIRST AND FINAL WARNING
Fire Safety Booklet