RAV Permits
This information is provided as a guide to RAV operation in Victoria Plains.
Permits Are Subject To The Following Conditions
Operators wishing to vary the conditions as detailed in these conditions must contact Main Roads WA for approval prior to road access.
If you have any questions please contact the Chief Executive Officer on 9628 7004 or via reception@victoriaplains.wa.gov.au.
- Local Government conditions will vary according to the road network, topography and traffic.
- Other:
- Gravel roads affected by rain may be closed forthwith. It is the responsibility of the operator to contact the Local Authority for advice if heavy rains have fallen in the area.
- School buses operate on most local authority roads. Operators are required to avoid gravel roads in the Shire of Victoria Plains between the hours of 7am – 9am and 3pm – 5pm pm on school days.
- Operators must at all times show all courtesy to school buses and local traffic.
- Speed limits for permit vehicles are:
- Unsealed open road 60 km / hour;
- Built up areas 50 km / hour or 10 km below the designated speed limit whichever is the lesser; or
- As outlined by Main Roads WA
- Council may review its policy and add or remove roads from the permitted roads table as they see fit subject to endorsement by Main Roads WA.
- Local Road Permits will be issued on a twelve month approval basis and approval and conditions may be reviewed annually.
- It is the responsibility of the permit holder to renew their permit/s with the Local Authority prior to their expiry.
Other Information