In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995 it is hereby advised for public information that Council has set the following meetings.
Upcoming Council Meetings
All meetings will commence at 2.00pm, unless otherwise notified
Past Council Meetings
Meeting Venue
Council Meetings are held in the Council Chambers, Shire Office, 28 Cavell Street, Calingiri, unless otherwise advised.
Persons and organisations wishing to have proposals or correspondence considered by Council are requested to have such delivered to reach the Shire Office 10 days prior to the meeting date in order that the matter can be included on the Agenda.
Public Attendance to Meetings
Members of the public are welcome to attend Council meetings, with recordings of Meetings available on the website. Further, public questions should be addressed to the Presiding Member, and submitted in writing to the CEO at by 4.00pm on the Tuesday prior to the OCM, to be read out by the Presiding Member at the next OCM.
Question Time
In accordance with the Section 5.24 of the Local Government Act 1995 Council Meeting Agenda will include a public question time and this will be held early in the meeting. The minimum time for this 15 minutes - assuming there are sufficient questions to fill that period.
Public Question Time Submission
Recording of Meetings
Members of the public are advised that meetings of Council are recorded to assist with ensuring an accurate record of the meeting is provided for the formal minutes of the meeting. In terms of the Privacy Act 1998 this may involve the recording of personal information provided at the meeting. The provision of any information that is recorded is voluntary, however if any person does not wish to be recorded they should not address or request to address the meeting. By remaining in this meeting, you consent to the recording of the meeting.
You are not permitted to record this meeting with any recording device, unless you have the express authorisation of the presiding member.
Sean Fletcher
Chief Executive Officer