Please click on the link below to see what date primary school kids start school for Bolgart, Calingiri and Yerecoin Primary Schools for 2025.
Back To School 2025
The Shire has 3 primary schools that are located in Bolgart, Calingiri & Yerecoin. These 3 schools all pride themselves in the level of education that is offered and taught, class structures, virtues and leadership.
Bolgart Primary School

Bolgart Primary School is located in a small farming community in the wheat belt region of Western Australia, located an hour and fifteen minutes north-east of Perth.
At our school, we seek to ensure that our students develop values in the following areas;
- pursuit of knowledge and a commitment to the achievement of their full potential
- self-acceptance and respect of self
- respect and concern for others and their rights
- social and civic responsibility; environmental responsibility.
We provide an inclusive learning environment for children from kindergarten through to Year 6 and have strong links to a very active Parent & Citizen (P&C) Association and school council. Parent interaction in the school is encouraged and parents support activities such as assisting with the running of school events and sports days.
Our students engage in a wide and varied curriculum that is designed to meet the learning needs of each child. The curriculum is child-centred and supports students to work in a collaborative learning environment. All students are provided with rich, engaging learning experiences that cover all aspects of the Western Australian curriculum. The students participate in excursions and incursions throughout the year to support curriculum delivery and student understanding. The school is equipped with computer equipment including desktop computers, laptops and iPads in a ratio of 1:1. Each year students participate in swimming and athletics carnivals along with coaching clinics for tennis, netball and football. Students showcase their artworks at the annual Toodyay Agricultural Show and their musical talents at the Small Schools Music Festival.
Calingiri Primary School

Calingiri is situated in the Shire of Victoria Plains, 150 kilometres northeast of Perth. Calingiri Primary is a member of the North Level 3 Network of the Wheatbelt Education Office. The Network's purpose is to meet the specific needs of Level 3 schools and provide collegiate support, collaboration and encourage joint initiatives/ events planning. The school has embraced its motto 'Learning for Life,' ensuring parents and the school are working together to improve student outcomes and promote active citizenship. The school is very proud of the relationships it has built with the Calingiri Community.
We cater for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. There are two bus services that transport students to school each day. In addition, there is a daily bus service that transports high school students to and from Wongan Hills District High School.
Learning occurs within a safe, caring, and supportive environment. Teaching at Calingiri is with small classes of students in multi aged groupings. Although there is some variation from year to year, the school usually offers a junior K-2 and senior 3-6 primary class structure. Students from year 3-6 learn Indonesian delivered by SIDE (School Isolated Distance Education). We provide students with many opportunities to participate in a variety of activities including incursions, excursions, and clinics. Students in Years 4-6 attend an annual 'small schools' camp. We begin every week with a student assembly where exemplary behaviour, working towards goals and positive attitudes are discussed and rewarded.
Yerecoin Primary School

Yerecoin Primary School is situated in the Wheatbelt, 153 kilometres north east of Perth. We cater for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Many students live on farms and we also have a culturally diverse student population. We provide a supportive, safe, nurturing and caring values-rich environment in which the teaching and learning process can thrive and students at this school regularly celebrate success.
The school is a dynamic learning community where teachers and parents work collaboratively to achieve a shared vision of excellence and students are motivated to strive to achieve their best and also to exceed their potential. The low student-to-staff ratio ensures individual attention and assistance, both in and out of the classroom. Classes are structured to ensure optimal outcomes for our students. The school offers an early childhood and upper primary class structure.
Our clear vision, explicit teaching of curriculum and virtues and the shared leadership engages all stakeholders in the education process.
There are daily bus services that run throughout our Shire for pick ups and drop offs to our local primary schools.
There is also daily bus runs to schools in neighbouring Shires such as Wongan Hills, Toodyay, Moora and Bindoon. For further details about the school bus that services your area, please follow this link School Buses > Home or speak directly to the School.